$tags="Chocolates of musician®"; $descripcion="Marca registrada de Natcha. Productos de calidad, siguiendo la tradición artesana de la pastelería y ofrecer un servicio esmerado al cliente"; $titulo="Pastelería y bombonería Natcha"; /* Pasteles Pasteleria Barcelona Bombones Bomboneria Barcelona Degustacion Pasteleria Bomboneria Barcelona Pasteles personalizados a medida Barcelona Pastissos personalitzats a mida Barcelona Catering dulce salado barcelona */; ?>
Natcha was inspired by a valued Catalan tradition, the “postre de músic” (dessert of musician), that it turned into a type of chocolates, the Bombons de músic® (Chocolates of musician®), that are a specialty of the house and registered trademark, that we make at home since 1978.
The best chocolate is used as the base for the most select nuts and dried fruit of prestigious origin, such as Marcona almonds, walnuts from Lleida or hazelnuts and raisins from Tarragona.
Today it has become one of the classics of Natcha, and it is very well-known and of great prestige.